She talked about fats, cholesterol, sugar, soy, and more. What did I learn?
I need more saturated fats. Ex: Eating Peanut Butter with veges, or yogurt with fruit. It helps fills us up and stay somewhat full longer. So, add the butter to your eggs! (real butter, not the fake stuff) yum! Use palm oil for frying, coconut oil for baking, no vege oil. Olive oil is still great! Just don't get a big bottle. When exposed to air it starts to go bad. Whole milk has less processes, and has the saturated fats, milk does a body good. Be careful about formula! She talked about a company that sold a formula that caused brain damage. They of course got caught, but look at ingredients, several brands have fructose in it! Sugar! And why do we have a rise in obese children? Crazy.
I need to eat eggs. It helps our cholesterol, keep those egg yolks! If your cholesterol is high, add more fiber.
Sugar is bad. Don't eat it. I know, like that's going to happen, but just think it always goes to your liver and turns to fat. Appetizing? When you use a sweetener, use honey. NOT Agave Nectar. Not good for you at all. Use unrefined sugar, like maple syrup, molasses... just make sure it comes from a good source. If you still want to use sugar, go ahead, but maybe use less. This is so true, the blue berry muffin recipe that I love so much from Am. Test Kitchen, I always take more sugar out of it. Way to much sweetness going on. And they taste awesome w/o ALL that sugar.
Soy is awful!!! Do not eat anything with soy. No soy milk, soy beans, soy anything! It has extra hormones and 'stuff' in it. (Also heard this from my mom and friend Beth) If your allergic to milk, stick to Rice Milk or Almond Milk. Soy sauce? Well, the best is Organic natural fermented for at least 6 months found at Sprouts.
She also talked about our emotions and how they effect our health. This is so so true. We have to figure out our bodies. The signs it gives us, lets us know when we are stressed and to step back and think about our environment and what stage we are in. Protection mode or safe mode. We are always in one of these categories. She suggested writing things down. Just let it out. I have heard this from my cousin, Sarah too. Never done it, I'll have to try it.
There are a lot more things she talked about, but these were the ones I want to focus on. My mom is going to her bigger seminar next weekend. I'm looking forward to all the info she is going to let me in on.
Please try to stay healthy! Thanks to all those who have shared info with me. I have heard some of these things from others and I am grateful for the knowledge.
This sounds like a great conference! I'd love to hear more about what you learned. I really agree with the whole milk, full fat. The book "In Defense of Food" made a lot of sense to me - I think you would like it. We still eat waaaay too much sugar at our house, but we're slowly making improvements. :) Miss living close to you guys!