Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Strawberry Freezer Jam

Don't let this no sugar needed fool you. It does unless you use Splenda, and if you didn't know, do not use splenda, I think it has an awful after taste, but also contains sucralose. (which I have been told anything with ose on the end is a form of sugar) Fry's had strawberries on sale this week for 97 cents, so I bought some and got this hoping for less sugar. Nope and I didn't want to use a fake sugar, so I used real sugar instead. The freezer jam really is delicious, my aunt Debbie made a ton one day and gave me a batch home. WE LOVED it. So, yes it has that stinkin sugar in it, but what jam doesn't? Hopefully strawberries go on sale again. My friend said she had a recipe that doesn't need sure-jell. I'll post it when I try it. ;)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I always wondered what would happen if I didn't have tortillas in food storage. Here it is! Thanks best bites, now if I could replace that shortening with something healthier.. maybe butter?

Flour Tortillas

2 1/2 c. flour
1 c. very hot water
1 tsp. Kosher salt
1/4 c. shortening

Mix flour, salt and shortening. Still crumbly, add some hot water. Then roll in balls, then fry.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This sign made me laugh.
I definitely want to hang it in my kitchen. Not crazy about her flowers on it, but otherwise pretty cute.

Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts!